JVP Action celebrates the defeat of Trump

Washington DC (November 7, 2020): Over the last four years, we’ve seen Trump and his administration spew and enable vile and violent racism, Islamophobia, antisemitism, homophobia and misogyny, causing incalculable harm and threatening all of our lives and safety. But as of today, he has been defeated at the ballot box. 

Our movements for justice delivered this victory. 

The growth of the left in the past four years has been tremendous. Led by Black, brown and working-class organizers, momentous grassroots movements have formed coalitions and built infrastructure at levels unseen for decades. We are part of a beautiful, powerful, growing, multi-racial, multi-generational grassroots movement – and we are unstoppable.

Today’s election results show how far we have come – and how far we still have to go. We will not go back to “normal,” indeed there is no such thing in a country and world built on deep injustice. Just as our movements fired Trump, we will hold the next president accountable, and we will build the world we want to live in.  

As a broad base of multiracial, intergenerational Jews and allies, we know that justice is indivisible. Our futures are bound up with one another and our safety grows from solidarity. 

“Our movements have defeated Donald Trump. This is how we fight fascism – united in solidarity. We are here until justice, rising together from the U.S. to Palestine. We know that the call for justice for Palestinians is bound up with the call of those fighting a better, fairer, more sustainable world where justice, equality and dignity are accorded to all people — no exceptions.”

Stefanie Fox, Jewish Voice for Peace Action Executive Director

“Palestinian rights champions Representatives Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar helped deliver Michigan and Minnesota for Biden. Their landslides, and the decisive victories of JVP Action’s entire slate of endorsed incumbents, demonstrate that the Democratic establishment ignores Palestinian rights at its own peril. We’re heading into the next administration with Palestinian rights officially part of the progressive agenda.”

Beth Miller, Senior Government Affairs Manager at JVP Action

JVP Action staff are available to speak with the media

JVP Action is an independent, non-partisan, 501(c)(4) political and advocacy partner organization of Jewish Voice for Peace. It is a multiracial, intergenerational movement of Jews and allies working towards justice and equality in Israel/Palestine by transforming U.S. policy.