RELEASE: JVP Action condemns House passage of unconditional military funds and weapons to Israel

Jewish Voice for Peace Action condemns House passage of unconditional military funds and weapons to Israel, applauds Representatives who stood on the right side of history

“History will not look kindly on the members of Congress who voted to send more warplanes, bombs, and unconditional military funds that will further enable the Israeli government’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.” 

April 20, 2024, Washington D.C. — Jewish Voice for Peace Action condemns today’s passage of H.R. 8034, the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2024, which will send billions of dollars in unconditional military funds and weapons to the Israeli government amid its horrific genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. Passage of this legislation is a moral stain on Congress.

JVP Action also applauds the members of Congress who stood on the right side of history by voting against this destructive legislation. In particular, the 37 Democrats who opposed this legislation because of Israel’s collective punishment of Palestinians in Gaza is a watershed moment in U.S. politics, and signals that what was once unquestioning bipartisan support for the Israeli government’s violations of international law has now broken apart. The members of Congress who opposed this legislation are representing the popular will of the majority of Americans. These members of Congress have taken a stand on the right side of history, by refusing to reward Prime Minister Netanyahu’s mass atrocities against Palestinians in Gaza

Beth Miller, JVP Action Political Director: 

“History will not look kindly on the members of Congress who voted to send more warplanes, bombs, and unconditional military funds that will further enable the Israeli government’s genocide of Palestinians in Gaza. This vote rewards the warmongering Netanyahu regime and brings the entire region closer to the brink of a full-blown war. 

The historic number of Democrats who voted ‘no’ today have taken a stand for humanity and human rights. Their votes reflect the desire of the overwhelming majority of their base – including American Jews – who do not want our tax dollars to fund genocide. Jewish Voice for Peace Action applauds their stance.”